Handy Hints / Astuces Recycling / Recyclage Tried & Tested / Essayé et testé

Nortene Selfix Bordura ECORUB Caoutchouc Recyclé / Recycled rubber lawn edging

Essayé et testé : Nortene Selfix Bordura ECORUB Caoutchouc Recyclé pour créer une bordure durable entre une pelouse et une plate-bande d’iris.
Tried and tested : Nortene Selfix Bordura ECORUB Caoutchouc Recyclé for creating a durable edging between a lawn and an iris bed.

Handy Hints / Astuces Storing veg and fruit / Conserver des légumes et des fruits Vegetables / Legumes

Stringing-up onions and shallots / Cordage d’oignons et d’échalotes

Stringing-up onions and shallots
Here is a short video showing you an alternative way of preparing your onions and shallots ready for storage by hanging them in a dry and airy space.
Cordage d’oignons et d’échalotes
Voici une courte vidéo vous montrant une manière alternative de préparer vos oignons et échalotes prêts à être conservés en les suspendant dans un espace sec et aéré.

Autumn / automne Fruit trees Insects / Les insectes Plant diseases / Maladies de plantes Trees / Les Arbres Winter / Hiver

Traitement hivernal des arbres fruitiers / Winter treatment of Fruit Trees

English version lower down the page … Après un automne difficile en raison des pluies torrentielles, alors que de tels travaux seraient normalement effectués, il est encore nécessaire de traiter les arbres fruitiers pendant leur période de dormance. Le traitement hivernal des arbres fruitiers consiste à essayer de réduire la quantité d’insectes nuisibles sur les […]

Autumn leaves / Les feuilles mortes d'automne Making compost / Comment faire du compost Mulching / Paillage Planting / Plantation

Mulching / Paillage

Version en français en bas de la page … As we are having drier summers it is becoming more and more useful to mulch borders and beds. Mulch was traditionally used to reduce the need for weeding but now with increased summer temperatures, conserving moisture and reducing watering is a prime concern for many gardeners. […]

Autumn / automne Bulbs / Bulbes Planting / Plantation Woodlands / Les Bois

Woodland bulb planting / Des bulbes à planter dans un bois

Thanks to Bryan for prompting this post. The sight of spring bulbs and flowers in a woodland is a real boost to the senses. Before you buy the bulbs, take some time to think about the situation in your woodland. The trees shade the area during the summer and absorb a lot of water whilst […]

Autumn / automne Planting / Plantation

Autumn Planting / Plantation d’automne

Having paid a visit to Magasin Vert, I came away with some lettuce plants suitable for the autumn and early winter. I decided to plant them in an area that had been full of poppies and wild-flowers during the summer. Having cleared the area, I dug it over and raked it level. It was incredibly […]

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