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Saving Rainwater for Gardening

At La Rabine Jardin, water plays a pivotal role as it does in virtually every garden. As global concerns about water scarcity rise, the importance of saving rainwater for gardening becomes increasingly apparent. Here are some ideas for effective ways to save water in your garden:

The Crucial Role of Saving Rainwater for Gardening

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Here at La Rabine Jardin, water plays a pivotal role as it does in virtually every garden. As global concerns about water scarcity rise, the importance of saving rainwater for gardening becomes increasingly apparent.
Saving rainwater is essential, as it not only conserves a valuable resource but also helps to lower water bills. This reduces the impact on the environment by saving expensively produced tap water for household needs.
Here are some ideas for effective ways to save water in your garden:

Sustainable Gardening Practices

Rainwater harvesting:

Set up rain barrels or a rainwater harvesting system to collect rainwater from your roof. You can use this collected water to irrigate your garden during dry periods. This has become increasingly important for us at La Rabine both for environmental and financial reasons. We have recently added two 1 000 litre tanks to increase our storage capacity to over 10 000 litres of saved water.


Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips, straw, or compost, around your plants. If you have access to cardboard boxes, lay these down first then cover with the mulch.
Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil, reduces evaporation, and suppresses weed growth, meaning less water is needed.

Watering wisely:

Water your plants early in the morning or late in the evening when the temperatures are cooler, and evaporation rates are lower. Avoid watering during peak sunlight hours, as much of the water may evaporate before reaching the roots. Watering in the middle of the day also encourages the plants’ roots to come closer to the surface. In turn, this weakens the plants’ ability to correctly absorb moisture. This is especially true when lawns are watered. Grass will recover following periods of drought. Water is far too precious to be wasted on maintaining lush, green lawns!

Drip irrigation:

Try installing a drip irrigation system to deliver water directly to the base of plants, minimizing evaporation and water waste. Drip irrigation systems will save you money as they are far more efficient than traditional sprinklers.

Plant Health and Resilience

Group plants according to water needs:

Group plants with similar water requirements together. This practice ensures that you don’t overwater certain areas while under-watering others.

Monitor soil moisture:

Use a soil moisture sensor or gauge (hygrometer) to determine when your plants truly need water. This prevents overwatering, which can be damaging to plant health and wastes water.

Climate Change Mitigation


Consider xeriscaping, which involves designing your garden in a way that reduces the need for irrigation. It incorporates water-saving features like dry streambeds, rock gardens, and drought-tolerant plants. Our first gardening project here was to create a gravel garden. Everything was planned and planted in 1998 and, although we need to add more gravel now, the idea and layout have worked really well.

LaRabineJardin - Xeriscaping layout gravel gardenWater conservation in the garden is not just about responding to current water scarcity issues; it is also a proactive step in addressing the challenges posed by climate change. By adapting gardening practices to changing weather patterns, everyone contributes to the broader effort of building resilience in the face of a warming planet.


The importance of saving rainwater for gardening extends beyond the confines of your own garden. It’s a conscious choice that ripples through the environment, from local ecosystems to global climate considerations. As stewards of the land, gardeners wield the power to make a positive impact by embracing water-saving practices. As gardeners, we ensure the vibrancy of our gardens while safeguarding a critical resource for generations to come.
By implementing these water-saving techniques, you can create a beautiful and sustainable garden while minimizing water usage. It’s an environmentally friendly approach that benefits both your garden and the planet.

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