Autumn / automne Fruit trees Insects / Les insectes Plant diseases / Maladies de plantes Trees / Les Arbres Winter / Hiver

Traitement hivernal des arbres fruitiers / Winter treatment of Fruit Trees

English version lower down the page … Après un automne difficile en raison des pluies torrentielles, alors que de tels travaux seraient normalement effectués, il est encore nécessaire de traiter les arbres fruitiers pendant leur période de dormance. Le traitement hivernal des arbres fruitiers consiste à essayer de réduire la quantité d’insectes nuisibles sur les […]

About the garden / Le jardin Rainfall / Précipitations

Annual Rainfall 2014-2019/Précipitations annuelles 2014-2019

Version en français en bas de la page … Most of us have seen or have been affected by the flooding caused by the rainfall in 2019. Here at La Rabine Jardin I have been recording the rainfall for many years, but I think the figures for the last six years show the extremes in […]

Autumn / automne Autumn leaves / Les feuilles mortes d'automne Compost / Compost Handy Hints / Astuces Leafmould / Le terreau de feuilles mortes Making compost / Comment faire du compost Recycling / Recyclage Trees / Les Arbres

Handy Hint – Recycling fallen twigs / Astuce – Recyclage des rameaux tombés

Version en français en bas de la page … Handy Hint – Recycling fallen twigs After the recent storms the wind has brought down lots of small branches and twigs from our trees. As garden bonfires are banned now in Morbihan : see here for the Arrêté Préfectoral why not recycle the debris into useful […]

Autumn / automne Compost / Compost Handy Hints / Astuces Making compost / Comment faire du compost Planting / Plantation

Handy Hint – Compost for cuttings / Astuce – Terreau pour boutures

Version en français en bas de la page … If you use a water-filter jug instead of buying bottled water, do you worry about throwing away the used filters? This handy hint shows you how to recycle their contents. The filter material, which is a mixture of sand and charcoal, when mixed with any commercial […]

Autumn / automne Pruning buddleias / Taille de buddleias Pruning trees and shrubs / Taille d'arbres et d'arbustes

Taille de buddleias en automne / Pruning Buddleias in Autumn

English version lower down the page … Il existe deux options pour la taille de vos buddleias, idéalement, ils devraient être coupés durement au printemps, car les buddleias fleurissent sur du bois neuf, mais en automne et en hiver, des problèmes peuvent survenir avec des buddleias et des roses à cause du vent. En automne, […]

Autumn / automne Fruit trees Handy Hints / Astuces Insects / Les insectes Tried & Tested / Essayé et testé

Solabiol Glue bands / Solabiol Bande de glu

Version en français en bas de la page … Tried and Tested Tree Glue Bands from Solabiol In autumn it is useful to fix a glue band of some description around the trunks of fruit trees. This is because as winter approaches harmful insects tend to migrate both up the trunk towards the branches to […]

Autumn / automne Compost / Compost Mulching / Paillage Planting / Plantation Planting trees / Planter des arbres

Planting trees and shrubs / Planter des arbres et des arbustes

Voir la version en français en bas de la page … With our changing climatic conditions planting trees and shrubs is going to become even more important for the environment, so if you have the space in your garden, find some suitable trees for your area and soil conditions. To encourage and support wildlife it’s […]

Handy Hints / Astuces

Cleaning a 5litre sprayer filter/Nettoyage d’un filtre de pulvérisateur 5litres

Were you aware that there is a filter in the handle of most pump-action sprayers? Here are two short videos to show you how to clean and replace the filter. Video 1 : Removing the filter Video 2 : Cleaning the filter Before you replace the lance, spray some WD40 into the nozzle to lubricate […]

Autumn / automne Autumn leaves / Les feuilles mortes d'automne Fruit trees Plant diseases / Maladies de plantes

Fungal diseases of fruit trees / Maladies fongiques des arbres fruitiers

Version en français en bas de la page … The wet autumn has encouraged the proliferation of leaf disease on fruit trees. Some of the most prevalent are peach leaf curl, brown rot and scab. They are all caused by air-born fungus spores. Nowadays, there are no ‘chemical’ fungicides available to the domestic gardener, so […]

Autumn / automne Compost / Compost Geraniums / Géraniums

Overwintering geraniums / Comment faire hiverner les géraniums

Version en français en bas de la page … It is possible to successfully keep geraniums over the winter. The somewhat contradictory aims are to keep the plants dry, but not too dry and to put them into hibernation whilst keeping them alive. First, lift them carefully from the pot or planter and remove as […]

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