Fruit Fruit trees Handy Hints / Astuces Summer flowers / Fleurs d'été Summer fruits Trees / Les Arbres Vegetables / Legumes

Top Tips for Gardening in July

Here are some ‘Top Tips’ for things to do in the garden in July. Including advice on what to do in the Orchard, in the Veg-patch, for Trees and bushes and for Flowers.

Bees / Les abeilles Insects / Les insectes Summer flowers / Fleurs d'été

Bees, Wildflowers and Veg-patches

Why bees and wildflowers are useful in a vegetable patch
Hopefully, everyone is now aware that we need to look after our bees and pollinating insects if we:
– believe that biodiversity is vital for our planet,
– want to keep a high level of variety of foods in our diets,
– want to support farmers who grow crops that are mostly reliant or even dependant on pollinators.

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