Bees / Les abeilles Insects / Les insectes Summer flowers / Fleurs d'été

Bees, Wildflowers and Veg-patches

Why bees and wildflowers are useful in a vegetable patch
Hopefully, everyone is now aware that we need to look after our bees and pollinating insects if we:
– believe that biodiversity is vital for our planet,
– want to keep a high level of variety of foods in our diets,
– want to support farmers who grow crops that are mostly reliant or even dependant on pollinators.

About the garden / Le jardin Spring / Printemps

Leave your lawn to grow!

What are the benefits of leaving a lawn to grow?
Recently, our sister site Anglais Prononciation F2F , wrote an article entitled “An ecological garden. Perfect lawns or wildflower meadows…”
Here at La Rabine Jardin we create wildflower meadows by leaving our lawns to grow from May onwards till the autumn.

Asian Hornets / Frelons Asiatiques Insects / Les insectes Spring / Printemps Tried & Tested / Essayé et testé

Asian Hornet Trap trial / Piège Frelons Asiatiques

Asian Hornet Trap trial / Piège Frelons Asiatiques
Asian hornets (Vespa velutina) or Frelon Asiatiques are very dangerous for honey bees and their hives and can also be fatal to humans if the person is susceptible to anaphylatic shock.
Les frelons asiatiques (Vespa velutina) sont très dangereux pour les abeilles et leurs ruches et peuvent également être mortels pour l’homme si la personne est sensible aux chocs anaphylatiques.

Insect Houses / Gîtes d'insectes Insects / Les insectes

Insect House / Gîte à insectes

Now is the time to think about either buying or making a refuge for beneficial insects over the winter. Beneficial insects such as solitary bees and wasps are essential in the garden for pollination, helping to reduce the impact of the demise of the honey bee. The pictures show the various stages of a refuge […]

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