Balancing plant care with preparation for the changing season is key to maintaining a thriving garden. Here’s a guide to help you through mid-August gardening, with tips, potential problems, and solutions to keep your plants healthy and productive.

Balancing plant care with preparation for the changing season is key to maintaining a thriving garden. Here’s a guide to help you through mid-August gardening, with tips, potential problems, and solutions to keep your plants healthy and productive.
Lutte contre le mildiou et l’oïdium : Traitements et prévention pour les plantes et les arbres fruitiers. Dans cet article, nous examinerons les stratégies de lutte contre le mildiou, y compris les traitements et la prévention pour les plantes et les arbres fruitiers, afin de vous aider à protéger vos plantes et vos récoltes.
Battling Mildew: Treatments and Prevention for Plants and Fruit Trees. In this article, we will look at strategies for battling mildew; including treatments and prevention for plants and fruit trees, to help you protect your plants and harvests.
Here are some ‘Top Tips’ for things to do in the garden in July. Including advice on what to do in the Orchard, in the Veg-patch, for Trees and bushes and for Flowers.
Here is a selection of useful tips that we have shared on our FaceBook page during May 2021.
We hope you find them interesting.
Voici une sélection de conseils utiles que nous avons partagés sur notre page FaceBook en mai 2021.
Nous espérons que vous les trouverez intéressants.
Version en français en bas de la page … Old tomato, pea and courgette plants With all the recent rain, certain plants, especially tomatoes, will be rotting and mildewed (mildew is a fungal disease present in the air) if they’re still in the veg patch. When you dig them up, don’t put them in the […]
If you grow old varieties of tomatoes it’s a good idea to save the seeds in the Autumn. The interesting thing about old varieties of tomatoes is that they are not predictable croppers nor necessarily ‘pretty’ BUT the taste is so much better than the standard tomatoes bought in the supermarkets. It is also likely […]