About the garden / Le jardin Fruit trees Pruning trees and shrubs / Taille d'arbres et d'arbustes Summer flowers / Fleurs d'été

Guide du jardinage à la mi-août

Pour maintenir un jardin florissant, il est essentiel de trouver un équilibre entre l’entretien des plantes et la préparation au changement de saison. Voici un guide pour vous aider à jardiner à la mi-août, avec des conseils, des problèmes potentiels et des solutions pour garder vos plantes en bonne santé et productives.

About the garden / Le jardin Fruit trees Pruning trees and shrubs / Taille d'arbres et d'arbustes Summer flowers / Fleurs d'été

Mid-August Gardening Guide

Balancing plant care with preparation for the changing season is key to maintaining a thriving garden. Here’s a guide to help you through mid-August gardening, with tips, potential problems, and solutions to keep your plants healthy and productive.

Fruit Fruit trees Plant diseases / Maladies de plantes Summer fruits Vegetables / Legumes

Battling Mildew: Treatments and Prevention

Battling Mildew: Treatments and Prevention for Plants and Fruit Trees. In this article, we will look at strategies for battling mildew; including treatments and prevention for plants and fruit trees, to help you protect your plants and harvests.

Fruit Fruit trees Handy Hints / Astuces Summer flowers / Fleurs d'été Summer fruits Trees / Les Arbres Vegetables / Legumes

Top Tips for Gardening in July

Here are some ‘Top Tips’ for things to do in the garden in July. Including advice on what to do in the Orchard, in the Veg-patch, for Trees and bushes and for Flowers.

Autumn / automne Fruit trees Insects / Les insectes Plant diseases / Maladies de plantes Trees / Les Arbres Winter / Hiver

Traitement hivernal des arbres fruitiers / Winter treatment of Fruit Trees

English version lower down the page … Après un automne difficile en raison des pluies torrentielles, alors que de tels travaux seraient normalement effectués, il est encore nécessaire de traiter les arbres fruitiers pendant leur période de dormance. Le traitement hivernal des arbres fruitiers consiste à essayer de réduire la quantité d’insectes nuisibles sur les […]

Autumn / automne Fruit trees Handy Hints / Astuces Insects / Les insectes Tried & Tested / Essayé et testé

Solabiol Glue bands / Solabiol Bande de glu

Version en français en bas de la page … Tried and Tested Tree Glue Bands from Solabiol In autumn it is useful to fix a glue band of some description around the trunks of fruit trees. This is because as winter approaches harmful insects tend to migrate both up the trunk towards the branches to […]

Autumn / automne Autumn leaves / Les feuilles mortes d'automne Fruit trees Plant diseases / Maladies de plantes

Fungal diseases of fruit trees / Maladies fongiques des arbres fruitiers

Version en français en bas de la page … The wet autumn has encouraged the proliferation of leaf disease on fruit trees. Some of the most prevalent are peach leaf curl, brown rot and scab. They are all caused by air-born fungus spores. Nowadays, there are no ‘chemical’ fungicides available to the domestic gardener, so […]

Handy Hints / Astuces

Handy hint for fruit trees / Astuce pour des arbres fruitiers

With autumn approaching and the leaves starting to fall, it’s a good idea to spray your fruit trees with Bordeaux mixture. This will protect the openings of the leaf-stems, where they fall from the branch, from disease. This is the brand I’m going to try this autumn… Alors que l’automne approche et que les feuilles […]

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