« À la Sainte Catherine, tout bois prend racine » The 25th November is St Catherine’s Day but is this always the best time to plant trees and bushes?
« À la Sainte Catherine, tout bois prend racine » le 25 novembre est-il toujours le meilleur jour pour planter des arbres et des arbustes ?
Tag: planting
Taking fuchsia cuttings
Many of the plants you may have stored in the greenhouse or conservatory over winter will have started putting on new growth. Now is the time to take cuttings to provide new plants for your pots, planters or beds for the summer.
Prendre des boutures de fuchsia
Bon nombre des plantes que vous avez peut-être stockées dans la serre ou la véranda pendant l’hiver auront commencé à repousser. Il est maintenant temps de prendre des boutures pour fournir de nouvelles plantes pour vos pots, jardinières ou plates-bandes pour l’été.
Wind protection for the garden
Help protect yourself from the wind by choosing the right species of trees and hedging plants. The best ones withstand the wind and can help to protect your garden.
Protection contre le vent pour le jardin
Aidez-vous à vous protéger du vent en choisissant les bonnes espèces d’arbres et de plantes des haies. Les meilleurs résistent au vent et peuvent aider à protéger votre jardin.
Voir la version en français en bas de la page … Article updated/mis à jour le : 24 novembre 2024 Why we need to plant trees With our changing climatic conditions planting trees and shrubs is going to become even more important for the environment, so if you have the space in your garden, find […]
Thanks to Bryan for prompting this post. The sight of spring bulbs and flowers in a woodland is a real boost to the senses. Before you buy the bulbs, take some time to think about the situation in your woodland. The trees shade the area during the summer and absorb a lot of water whilst […]
Having paid a visit to Magasin Vert, I came away with some lettuce plants suitable for the autumn and early winter. I decided to plant them in an area that had been full of poppies and wild-flowers during the summer. Having cleared the area, I dug it over and raked it level. It was incredibly […]