Autumn / automne Autumn leaves / Les feuilles mortes d'automne Leafmould / Le terreau de feuilles mortes

Autumn leaves / Les feuilles mortes d’automne

Version en français en bas de la page … Autumn leaves This morning I made a start on clearing the leaves that have already fallen on two of the lawns in the garden. If dead leaves are left on the grass, it encourages the worms to come to the surface to take the decaying leaves […]

Autumn / automne Leafmould / Le terreau de feuilles mortes

Leafmould / Le terreau de feuilles mortes

Autumn is here and with it fall the leaves. Leaves are often regarded as a nuisance but leaves are an essential element in an organic garden. Most leaves can be turned into leafmould without being shredded first, the exceptions being holly – because of their spines – and thick leaves like plane tree leaves, which […]

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