À La Rabine Jardin, l’eau joue un rôle essentiel. Alors que les préoccupations mondiales concernant la pénurie d’eau augmentent, l’importance d’économiser l’eau de pluie pour le jardinage devient de plus en plus évidente.
Category: Rainfall / Précipitations
At La Rabine Jardin, water plays a pivotal role as it does in virtually every garden. As global concerns about water scarcity rise, the importance of saving rainwater for gardening becomes increasingly apparent. Here are some ideas for effective ways to save water in your garden:
Version en français en bas de la page … Saving rain water With unpredictable weather being the norm now water saving and storage is essential in the garden. At La Rabine Jardin we store about 10 000 litres of water around the garden and use shed roofs, parts of the house roof and the greenhouse […]
Version en français en bas de la page … Most of us have seen or have been affected by the flooding caused by the rainfall in 2019. Here at La Rabine Jardin I have been recording the rainfall for many years, but I think the figures for the last six years show the extremes in […]