Handy Hints / Astuces Recycling / Recyclage Tried & Tested / Essayé et testé

Nortene Selfix Bordura ECORUB Caoutchouc Recyclé / Recycled rubber lawn edging

Essayé et testé : Nortene Selfix Bordura ECORUB Caoutchouc Recyclé pour créer une bordure durable entre une pelouse et une plate-bande d’iris.
Tried and tested : Nortene Selfix Bordura ECORUB Caoutchouc Recyclé for creating a durable edging between a lawn and an iris bed.

Autumn / automne Bird table / Mangeoire à oiseaux Wild birds / Oiseaux sauvages

Making a Bird Table / Fabriquer une mangeoire à oiseaux

It’s very important to feed the birds from autumn onwards and sometimes even all year round if there’s insufficient wild food around. I decided to modify last years bird table by putting a roof on it so that the food can be kept dry to avoid it going mouldy, as there’s always something they don’t […]

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